Summertime . . . and the writing is easy?

by Cathy Fyock @CathyFyock

It�s summertime. Vacations. Picnics. Days at the lake. 

Thoughts tend to drift toward leisure activities, knowing that �back to school� season is just around the corner.

So, is summertime a good time to write? Or is it the time to replenish and restore one�s soul?

It depends. It depends on your needs, and it depends upon your goals and aspirations. For some, summertime is the perfect time to get those big tasks completed before the craziness of the fall begins. I know in my work as a speaker and consultant, the fall was always my busiest season, so the summer was the perfect time to wrap up longer-term projects like writing.

For others, summertime is the signal for slowing down and smelling the honeysuckle. After all, in order to work hard one must be in top form. That means having an opportunity to relax, de-stress, and refuel so that you can be ready for the balance of the year.

Whatever summertime means to you, be intentional. If you need to rest, then rest. If you need to give it the big push to complete your project, then push.

Outlined here are some ideas for maximizing the benefits of your summer.
  • Be realistic about your goals and priorities. If you know you�ve been running at top-speed, don�t create such monumental tasks for the summer that you are left feeling guilty and frazzled.
  • If your business is slower in the summer, ramp up your writing time and get that chunk of writing checked off your to-do list. Block writing time on your calendar, and honor that time commitment.
  • If you need to slow it down in August, then be mindful of those activities that will allow you to refuel your creative spirit. Spend some time in your garden. Bask in the sun. Visit the lake or the beach. Catch a firefly.
  • Whatever your writing goals, know your word count and be mindful of what you can accomplish. By knowing your word count, you�ll set realistic goals and corresponding time blocks for writing on your calendar. 

For the balance of this summer, give yourself permission to either power up or power down, and know that you are making the best decision for you and your goals.

What are your summertime goals? Are you powering up or down this summer?


Cathy Fyock is The Business Book Strategist, and works with professionals and thought leaders who want to write as a business development strategy. She is the author of eight books, including On Your Mark: From First Word to First Draft in Six Weeks. She has helped over 130 professionals become published authors since her business was founded in 2014. She also serves as Acquisitions Editor for Silver Tree Publishing. To learn more, email her at


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