
Showing posts with the label Encouragement for Writers

Don�t Stop Writing Your Book

By Lori Hatcher @LoriHatcher2 How many times have you said, �That�s it. I quit�? If you�re a writer, you�ve said it at least once�this hour. Or maybe you�re on a writer�s high, and you haven�t said it in a day or two. For the sake of the community, allow me to crack open your skull (figuratively speaking, of course) and expose your innermost thoughts for the writing world to hear: I�m never going to finish this book. I could have birthed an elephant in the time I�ve been working on it. Maybe two. And if I do finish it, no agent will want to represent me. I�m a nobody. And if, by chance, someone feels sorry for me and takes me on as a benevolence project, he�ll never be able to find a publisher.  I�m sorry, but your manuscript doesn�t meet our publication needs at this time.  Besides, lots of other people have written about ________ (insert your subject or story line). What makes me think mine is unique? And even IF a publisher says yes, who�s going to pay good money to read wh...

What Can Happen with Your Writing One Year from Now?

by Lucinda Secrest McDowell @LucindaSMcDowel Whoever invented the phrase �the wind rustling through the leaves� obviously sat on this screen porch in these woods. The breeze is so cool, the leaves are dancing, the birds are singing, and I am remembering one year ago when I sat right here and asked God to guide my writing of a new book. Last summer while house/pet sitting for dear friends, I spent hours just listening � remembering stories, researching prayers and biographies and biblical teaching so that I would have enough chapters to submit to potential publishers. My desire was to write a devotional focusing on key biblical words that encourage action.               At that time I had the 40 words and needed everything else.               This summer? On the same porch, attended by rustling leaves, I hold the published book in my hand � �Live These Words.�...

Publishing vs. Encouraging

by Ane Mulligan @AneMulligan According to a song lyric by  Linda Rondeau :  Home, home in the industry Where the writers and publishers play Where seldom is heard  An encouraging word And the skies are so cloudy all day  Thanks, Linda for letting me borrow the lyric. Yes, I've experienced discouragement in my writing journey. Maybe it was a rejection, or comments from a contest judge, but they threw ice cubes on my dreams.  But I soon realized discouragement was not getting me anywhere and definitely not published. So, after I kicked a cabinet or two, I pulled up my big girl britches,  toned my rhino skin   and got over it. The thing is I�ve never want to be told my work is wonderful if it isn't. How mortifying would that be? And how untruthful by the teller.  Iron sharpens iron I was blessed to find critique partners who love me enough to push me  hard . We can't get our feelings hurt if we're told something doesn't work�not if we're serious...