9 Scariest Things About Blogging
by Edie Melson @EdieMelson It's October and in honor of Halloween, I just couldn't resist a tongue-in-cheek post about something scary. After spending the year traveling and teaching writers about blogging, I have plenty of fears to share. Lest you think this is me pointing fingers, let me reassure you. EVERY single one of the things listed has been something I've done/struggled with at some point. Remember, none of us is born knowing how to do this stuff. So lets laugh at our phobias together! 9 Scariest Things About Blogging 1. Trying to come up with a title. I know that the title of a blog post has a huge impact on whether someone can find it in a Google search. Truthfully, I spend as much time coming up with a title as I do writing a post. 2. Search Engine Optimization. Once I figured out how to do it, it was easy. But it just sounds super technical and super scary. 3. Worrying that no one will see my post. Growing a blog audience does take time. But when we take t...