Stay on Track with Your Writing When Chaos Descends

by Tim Suddeth @TimSuddeth September has arrived. In the air, there�s the sense of pumpkin spice and cooler weather. Where has the summer gone? All the plans, the trips, the whole family gathering together and connecting. Okay, that last one was a bit much. School has or is getting ready to start. For many of us, that means a total eruption of our schedules. We go from a �relaxing� summer to fitting twenty-eight hours into twenty-four hour days. You have so many practices and after school activities to take your kids to, you look into applying for an Uber designation. It�s overwhelming. By lunch of the first day, you�re looking for a way to pull over from reality for just a few moments. Stop the world. I want to get off. Then that lady, the one with the stylish new haircut and clean car, calls and asks if you can bring refreshments, not packaged cookies, to the soccer game tomorrow. (Laser-beam eyes) This feeling isn�t for women only. Whether it�s caring for a young family, runnin...